

药物依赖性法庭, 像其他解决问题的法庭一样, address the root causes of justice system involvement through specialized dockets, 多学科团队, 以及一种非对抗性的方法. 提供循证治疗, 司法监督, 和问责制, problem-solving courts provide individualized interventions for participants, thereby reducing recidivism and promoting confidence and satisfaction with the justice system process.

Currently, Florida has thirteen dependency drug courts in operation. 就像传统的抚养法庭一样, dependency drug courts focus on promoting child safety, 永久的事物, 和幸福. 它们也符合在 成人毒品法庭 (i.e., 早期参与者识别, 物质使用障碍治疗, 用于共同发生的关注点的服务, 频繁的药物和酒精测试, 激励和制裁的使用, and medication-assisted treatment/medications for opioid use disorder). 药物依赖性法庭 address timeliness issues that can often be found in traditional dependency courts, specifically allowing for participants to work on reunification with their children while receiving early substance use treatment.

根据 1997年收养和安全家庭法案, courts should establish the 永久的事物 of a child in foster care no later than 12 months after placement; however, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health 服务 政府 does not recommend decreasing substance use treatment until at least 12 months have passed. This poses a dilemma because the child’s 永久的事物 outcome is to be achieved before a parent is likely ready to reduce or stop substance use treatment. 然而, 因为密集的服务, 增加家庭探视时间, 更频繁的法庭听证会, research has shown that participants in dependency drug court have better outcomes than comparable 家庭 in traditional dependency court. 


研究 shows that 60 to 80 percent of children with substantiated child abuse and neglect cases have at least one custodial parent with a substance use disorder. 此外, a 2018 study concluded that 69% of children who participated in a Florida early childhood court over a five-year period had been placed into foster care due to parental substance use. 

根据 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), dependency drug court has the following positive outcomes compared to traditional dependency courts:

  • Higher rates of substance use treatment program completion by parent
  • 儿童接受家庭外照料的天数减少
  • 家庭团聚率提高
  • 终止父母权利的比率较低
  • Lower rates of re-abuse (re-entry into foster care after reunification)
  • Lower rates of criminal recidivism by parent (if applicable)
  • Cost-Effectiveness (a savings of $5000-$13,000 per family)

A similar independent study also found an average savings of $1 million dollars per 200 cases.

Below is a map of the dependency drug court sites throughout the state.

A map of Dependency Drug Court Judges throughout the state of Florida.



In 2022, Florida began developing annual statewide data summaries that include information from all of the active dependency drug courts in the state. 这些年度总结可以在下面找到.



Using 药物依赖法庭 to Address the Prevalence of Substance Use Disorder

Substance Use Disorder is prevalent amongst 家庭 that are affected by the child welfare system. This is an opportunity to learn about a problem-solving court approach to working with 家庭 in the child welfare system who are affected by substance use disorder. OSCA staff and a multidisciplinary panel of presenters will provide an overview of the implementation, 有效性, and statewide supports available for dependency drug courts.


Barbara “Basia” Andraka-Christou, Substance Use Disorder Expert

For attorneys and magistrates that attended or will view the recording, CLE参考编号为2310876N. For judges who  attended or will view the recording, the CJE reference number is 23-142. 


鼓励, 订婚, and 问责制-Effective Therapeutic Behavior Responses for Your Dependency Drug Court

Florida Dependency Drug Court All-Sites Meeting (Virtual) 2020



我们要去哪里?? An Overview of Data for Florida Family Dependency Drug Court


More information regarding dependency drug courts is available on the 儿童和家庭未来网站.

The National Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards 可以在儿童与家庭未来网站上找到.

OSCA药物依赖法庭情况介绍PDF下载 – This two-sided fact sheet can be downloaded, printed and distributed. It summarizes what makes family dependency drug court different from traditional dependency court and describes the benefits of dependency drug courts.

For information on the opioid crisis and judicial response, visit 阿片危机 页面.

创伤以不同的方式影响着许多人, especially those who are involved in the child welfare system. 查阅有关创伤的资料, 可用于培训他人的课程, 以及专业人士的创伤自我护理工具包, 请浏览 家庭法庭工具箱:创伤和儿童发展该机构是由家庭法院办公室创建的.


Southeast Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Regional Center (ROTA-RC) at the Florida State University center for the study and promotion of communities, 家庭, 和孩子.

Contact Karima Anderson for additional information on dependency drug court at andersonk@rpv-ip.com
